Journal Entry 1 ~ Time Managment and TED Talk

So my first week here has been pretty nice, the work is semi-stressful but that could be because I am in a new place and I am not yet used to the new system/work load. My time management sheet has become a very useful tool in gauging my productivity. I made the mistake of putting the sheet off earlier in the week, believing that I could manage my time without it; A mistake that I will not make again. I really began to actively gauge my time and activities from Thursday on, and looking back I can see that I have wasted a lot of valuable time earlier in the week. Time Management

The TED Talk by Simon Sinek is a true eye-opener. I had somewhat similar beliefs to what Sinek had said before watching his talk, but they were nothing more than vague thoughts without titles or definitive meanings. Sinek has taken what was previously an un-describable process of human life and defined it in a way which is agreeable and easy to understand. Sinek uses marketing as one of his examples to show the difference between leaders and “those who lead.” Summing up his idea Sinek states that “[people] don’t buy what you do, they buy how you do it.” From both a life and a marketing standpoint Sinek is saying that people will follow you based on your beliefs, cause, and reason rather than your product, abilities, or plans. From an artistic standpoint I now better understand that creating like-able art is not based solely on how well the overall piece is, but rather on the feelings expressed within the piece.

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